Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dolly's 9-5

This play is currently in Houston and since I related to the movie, well let me rephrase, I currently relate to the movie with minor adjustments, I decided to be in the audience.  Minor adjustments include, but not limited to: 
1) Pour myself a JUG of ambition
2) Refill a hundred times because it never quite does the job
3) Working, 9-7ish
4) Feel guilty if I work 9-5 on any other day than Friday
5) Promotion!?!?!!?!? possible but not without a job change or a penchant to working reminiscent of Hathaway in Devil Wears Prada. On this note, why is it that in movies, every time a woman gets a promotion she has given up her life to earn it and a man just gets it for existing!!?!?!!??!!? 
6) Happy hour is a must; with the exception of the "doobie" scene, I do not recall them having enough drinking time as required in my work week 
7) Bosses are not blatantly disgusting-although I have heard stories...
8) Women currently have impressive titles.  Unfortunately, we also have to sit through Friday afternoon meetings and experience de ja vu because we are still discussing items that were on the previous four agendas or hear phrases such as "let us table this" or let us get back to this offline".  If I am here, damn it, let us just finish it 

Let us circle back (also a worthless friday meeting phrase) to the discussion at hand, I just love the backwards barbie in charge of this play.  For the occasion, I wore a black Milly dress, that reminded me of Paris-I meant Paris, TX so no harsh judgement

Black Milly dress; I paired it with my Aldo necklace and a vintage hat

Giuseppe zanotti boots

I pinned the Aldo necklace to the sleeve of the dress to give it a bib like effect.

Hope you enjoyed:)

1 comment:

  1. fantastic! i also like the part in your hair.
    Ava drake, did you watch oprah's fav things? neither did I since we have jobs, but o man, wouldnt be jazzy if we were in the audience for ONCE!
